Our Historic Move
In late 2009, our community came together in a beautiful way to begin preparing for a new, convenient location that allowed us to be more accessible to those who need us most. Our main clinic is now housed in the historic Pence Automobile building and three adjoining buildings on NP Avenue in downtown Fargo.
At nearly 100 years old, the Pence Automobile building features a gorgeous terrazzo floor, original pink marble staircase, floor-to-ceiling windows and much more. Why is this particular building so significant to Family HealthCare? Simply put, it fits perfectly with our mission because it allowed us to treat these forgotten buildings with dignity and respect, creating a tribute to the health and wellness of our community.
Our Growth in the Community
Our historic main facility has been immaculately renovated and now contains 33 medical exam rooms, 7 dental chairs, an automated pharmacy, on-site lab, x-rays, and offices for counseling, optometry, refugee health, interpreters, behavioral health, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and health education. Vitally importantly for our patients, is that this wide-array of medical services is conveniently provided all under one roof. In response to the increasing need within the community and to provide greater access and convenience to our patients, Family HealthCare has opened two new clinics, one in south Fargo and another in West Fargo. Each clinic is conveniently located and with direct access to public transportation.
As a testament to the growing community need for our services, we provide care to nearly 16,000 patients and more than 60,000 patient visits. This continual growth is a reflection of our commitment to providing unrestricted access to affordable, quality care.
Family HealthCare Timeline
The origin of Family HealthCare goes back to 1990, when a clinic was opened and formed under a Section A Homeless Health Care grant. Three years later, and with a growing community need for access to primary care, our non-profit community health center status was granted. A timeline of significant events in Family HealthCare’s history is provided on this page. Click on specific year to see notable events.
Over the last 20 years, Family HealthCare has expanded beyond primary medical care by offering numerous complementary integrated care services.
Local emergency rooms document a significant rise in visits for primary care needs. A Section 340 Homeless Health Care grant opens a clinic site at the Salvation Army and usage grows rapidly.
330 Community Health Center non-profit status is established.
Name changes to Family Healthcare Center.
Family Healthcare Center’s dental services begin in Fargo. Moorhead location follows soon after.
Family HealthCare Center begins offering medically trained interpreters for patients with language barriers.
Family HealthCare Center is accredited by The Joint Commission.
Family HealthCare’s Patient Advisory Council is formed.
Construction begins at 301 NP Avenue location.
Family HealthCare Center rebrands and changes name to Family HealthCare with a new logo.
Family HealthCare moves into historic, renovated facility in downtown Fargo.
FHC receives Patient-Centered Medical Home recognition. Patient base and number of visits hits all-time high.
We opened a medical clinic in West Fargo, and we expanded our Moorhead dental office by adding two additional chairs.
Opened clinic in South Fargo
Family HealthCare and Legal Services of North Dakota and SW Minnesota partnered to establish a Medical Legal Partnership known as Legal Advocates for Health.
January – Family HealthCare adds Chiropractic Care.
March – Family HealthCare adds Behavioral Health Services,
September – Family HealthCare adds pharmacy to south Fargo clinic location.
October – Family HealthCare Partners with Barnes County Public Health to Provide Integrated Care.
FHC establishes Hep-C treatment clinic.
FHC establishes Medicated Assisted Treatment program.
In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, FHC pivots to telehealth.
Family HealthCare becomes major COVID-19 testing site for Fargo/Moorhead and surrounding communities.
In partnership with the Great Plains Food Bank, Family HealthCare opens a Wellness (food) Pantry.
A lending closet established between HERO and Family HealthCare Homeless Health Services to provide medical equipment to the uninsured.
Family HealthCare brings mobile medical and dental services to the community.
Family HealthCare developed and implemented a new Mission statement: “Providing high quality healthcare for every person”.
Family HealthCare received a $200,000 award from Delta Dental of Minnesota for the dental expansion of the Moorhead Dental Clinic. This expansion will increase the number of operatories to twelve, modernize storage spaces, and add consulting rooms. We anticipate having the capacity to increase the number of patients served at the Moorhead Clinic by 3,000 per year.
November 25, 2022 Family HealthCare purchases 313 NP Avenue building.
The Otto Bremer Trust awarded Family HealthCare a generous $200K, while the Warren B. and Geneva L. Anderson Foundation contributed $250K to support the Moorhead Dental Expansion project. Phase I has been completed, and work is underway to renovate the original space as part of Phase II.
Family HealthCare’s main clinic lobby renovation was successfully completed, improving the quality of services provided to patients while enhancing the safety and efficiency of our staff.
The Mobile Dental Program expanded to include services for Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton Public Schools and dental and medical care at Jefferson Elementary School in Fargo.
The Moorhead Dental Expansion was completed in February.
Family HealthCare, in partnership with LaMoure County Public Health, opened a primary care clinic in LaMoure, North Dakota.
The Moorhead School-Based Health Clinic opens at the Moorhead Career Academy in Moorhead, MN.